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Product Description


  • musclemeds carnivor beef protein isolate

    Beef Protein Isolate Build Muscle Sugar Free, Fat Lactose BCAA Easy Digest Hydrolyzed

    CARNIVOR Is The Beef Protein of choice!

    CARNIVOR Beef Protein Isolate delivers all the muscle building power of beef with greater amino acid levels than other protein sources used in supplements, including whey, soy, milk and egg. CARNIVOR Beef Protein Isolate (BPI) is even 350% more concentrated in anabolic muscle building aminos than a prime sirloin steak! And it’s sugar free, fat free, lactose free or cholesterol free! Plus, CARNIVOR is one of the most delicious protein shakes you’ll ever try!

    • 350% More Concentrated Than Steak
    • More Concentrated Than Whey Isolate
    • Packed with Anabolic Muscle Building Aminos from Pure Beef
    • Lactose Free and Easier to Digest
    • Loaded with BCAAs
    • Hydrolyzed for fast absorption

    Beef Protein Isolate Build Muscle Sugar Free, Fat Lactose BCAA Easy Digest Hydrolyzed

    MuscleMeds CARNIVOR BEEF Protein

    Beef Protein Isolate Build Muscle Sugar Free, Fat Lactose BCAA Easy Digest Hydrolyzed

    The Muscle Building Power of CARNIVOR - Backed by Research*

    Clinical research shows that hard training male athletes supplementing with CARNIVOR BPI gained an average of 7.7 lbs. of muscle mass in just 8 weeks, a 6.4% average increase in lean body mass, while the placebo group only increased lean body mass by 0.7 lbs. from baseline. The study

    also revealed that athletes who used CARNIVOR BPI increased their total combined bench press and deadlift 1-rep max by 147.7 lbs., while the placebo group only increased total strength by 82.6 lbs. from baseline.+ These impressive findings validate the muscle and strength building effects of CARNIVOR.**


    Containing zero Fat, Sugar, Lactose, or Gluten, Carnivor is much easier on the gut. Carnivor Beef protein isolate provides the ultimate alternative to whey, without stomach turning lactose or dairy. With Carnivor BPI you can also get all the muscle building amino acids and protein of a steak without the fat or cholesterol.

    6-Stage Purification Process

    CARNIVOR is made with pure Beef Protein Isolate that is derived from an advanced hydrolysis process. This process is intricately designed to yield a delicious, easy-to-digest and highly bioavailable concentrated pure beef protein isolate (BPI), while removing all the fat and cholesterol. An advanced team of MuscleMeds experts employs a highly controlled proprietary 6-stage process in the production of pure BPI found in every delicious CARNIVOR protein shake.